This morning another earthquake occurred in the Culberson SRA region in West Texas, with Texnet currently categorizing the quake as a magnitude M 4.7. That makes 28 earthquakes so far this year which exceed magnitude 4.0 in the Culberson SRA region.
While no physical damage occurred, (which would be unlikely at that magnitude), the consistent presence of higher (4.0+) magnitude earthquakes suggests the area could logically expect to see as many as 3 higher magnitude quakes of 5.0 or above in the area in year 2022, if – and that’s a big “if” – patterns continue to follow statistical Gutenberg Richter trends.
However, voluntary SWD injection reductions by area SWD operators may avert EQ increases. In certain other O&G regions, high magnitude EQs have waned over time. In other active Seismic Response Areas, it appears voluntary decreases in SWD injection have favorably brought about decreases in EQ activity.
Time will tell! And we’ll keep you posted….